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Symfony Native Encoder


This is best practice since Symfony 4.3.

This value auto-selects the best possible hashing algorithm, so it doesn't refer to an specific algorithm and it will change in the future. The current implementation uses 'sodium' if possible and otherwise, it falls back to 'native'.

The 'native' config option is associated with the NativePasswordEncoder class, which is the other main change about password hashers in Symfony 4.3. This new encoder relies both on Symfony and PHP to select the best possible algorithm.

The current NativePasswordEncoder implementation tries to use any of the Argon2 variants (Argon2i or Argon2id) before falling back to Bcrypt. However, if the PASSWORD_DEFAULT PHP constant changes in the future, that new algorithm will be selected (if PHP defines it as stronger than Argon2).


# config/packages/security.yml
  # ...
      algorithm: auto
